How to Make a Cardboard Projector using Smartphone and Magnifying Glass - Cover Image

How to Make a Cardboard Projector using Smartphone and Magnifying Glass

How cool would it be to show the video of your awesome vacation to all your friends at a party? How about watching the big screen movie while outside? Hm… If only you could make your smartphone into a portable projector, but that’s only a fantasy… Or is it?! Today we will show you how to make a projector using the smartphone, magnifying glass, and an ordinary shoebox.

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The amazing properties of water and how to test them - Cover Image

The amazing properties of water and how to test them

Water is essential for all living beings, from the smallest bacteria to the human. It is a perfect medium for all biochemical processes in our body. You probably know that a molecule of water consists of 2 Hydrogen and 1 oxygen atoms. But did you know that it is the only substance that occurs in all 3 states: solid, liquid and gas? And why is it called a universal solvent? Let’s explore some amazing properties of water

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