Tag: sensomotoric development
How To Make Anti-Stress Ball with Balloon and Flour
If you ever feel under the pressure and stress (and who doesn’t?) we have something for you. Why not make your own anti-stress ball from balloon and flour. Let’s go to the kitchen and make the activity that will help in coping with stressful situations in a non-harmful way
Continue reading How to make Sensory Play Colors
Exploring the world around us is one of the main activities in early childhood and it’s crucial for this development stage! Touching and putting almost everything in the mouth is nerve-wracking for all parents, but very necessary for a child’s sensory development. There is a solution – provide materials, like sensory play colors, which are both fun to play with and safe to eat
Continue readingHow to make a Pinecone Christmas Tree
The holiday season is nearing and it is almost time to decorate the Christmas tree. But how about doing something a bit different this year? How about making a pinecone Holiday tree? We can go full creative and make a unique holiday tree or pinecone ornaments.
Continue readingHow to Encourage Speech Development in Toddlers and Children
Speech. The ultimate way of communication. We can’t wait for the time when our toddler will start using words instead of, often frustrating, nonverbal attempts at communication. But there is a lot we can do, from the earliest age to encourage speech development and language skills. So let’s talk about things we can do to speed up the speech development in toddlers and children.
Continue readingWhat to expect from Toddler in the First Three Months after Second Year
Hey, do you recall those emotional outbursts and tantrums that parents talk about when mentioning two year old toddlers? Well, I thought that went well with our little one. Wrong! It’s just starting! We must sharpen our patience and prepare for a toddler discovering the world of emotions.
Continue readingHow to Make a Colored Rainbow Rice – Indoor Activity for Kids
Rainbow is something that can brighten everyone’s day. And when stuck indoors, we could all use some brightening up. Making Rainbow Colored rice is a great activity that will surely put a smile on children’s faces. So grab some rice and some food coloring, and let’s create our own rainbow.
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Two years old Toddler
Two years have passed! Like the first year, the second one was over in a blink of an eye. And how can we sum it up? It seems like even more major things happened in this last year. Walking, talking, communication, imagination… Now you see a small person, not just a helpless baby. Let’s explore the final two months of the second year and what we can expect from our toddlers.
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Baby in Twenty-first and Twenty-second month
Another two months passed. Two more and our girl will be 2 years old! But this period still contains a lot of surprises and rapid development. From speech, and emotions to awareness and new behaviors. Let’s dive in to see what can we expect from a toddler in twenty-first and twenty-second month of life
Continue readingHow to Make a Toilet Roll Christmas Tree
Decorating some sort of evergreen tree has long been a tradition around the end of the year. We will honor that tradition but in a slightly modified way. Presenting Toilet paper rolls. Hey, they have been trees once! Or better to say Toilet roll evergreen tree. And what’s more evergreen than recycling? We promise you’ll be impressed with the result
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Baby in Nineteenth and Twentieth Month
We are nearing the end of the second year! If we had to describe the nineteenth and twentieth month in a couple of words, it would be – super agility and vocabulary explosion. But there is a lot more, so join us in exploring all the interesting stuff you can expect in this period of toddler’s life.
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Baby in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Month
A year and a half are here. And we already caught ourselves reminiscing about the past and talking about how time flies. No, we still didn’t forget jumps in development or difficulties of handling a newborn, but we do cherish the current moments a bit more. Now, after a year and a half, we really see how our little one has grown up.
Continue readingWhat to expect from a baby in Fifteenth and Sixteenth Month
Our expectations from toddlers should be more predictable by now, right? Wrong! We are still in a dynamic stage. With wonder week and teething yet again, fifteen and sixteen month old baby brings a lot more surprises. Especially on communication and emotional plan. So let’s dig in and explore together.
Continue readingWhat to expect from a baby in Thirteen and Fourteen Month
Time just keeps flying. Two months have passed from the last time we were writing and it seems like the whole year is behind us. New words, moving, expressing her will, dreaded vaccination… Well, let’s dig in and find out what to expect from a toddler in the first two months of the second year.
Continue readingHow to make Sensory Board
Another sensory activity? Yes! We really can’t overstate their importance in the child’s early development. They are amazing in stimulating the whole range of skills, not to mention fun. So let’s make a Sensory Board! There are tons of ways to make them and we will show you one, simple yet effective.
Continue readingWhat to expect from the Baby in the Twelfth Month
And we are here! End of the first year of the baby’s life. Looking at it in retrospective it really did fly by. Many challenges came, many we have overcome and many are still here. There were many stressful moments but overall, it was a joyful year, full of new discoveries every day. And more and more we hear from experienced parents: “Enjoy while they are little because it will pass quickly and you will miss it.”
Continue readingWhat to expect from the baby in the Eleventh month
Almost there! One more month and the first year will be behind us. And what a year. We, as parents learned so much in this past eleven months, but every day there is something new and unknown to us. Baby is changing every day and the eleventh month is no exception. Good thing there is Google and people to learn from who already passed through it.
Continue reading What to expect from the baby in the Tenth month
Here we are at the tenth month of baby’s life. And we thought the worst is behind us. And we were wrong. So wrong. The dreaded 36 weeks old wonder week came and with it whole new challenges. Especially for moms. And dads. And everyone else! But it’s not all that bleak. There are some awesome new skills that have developed so let’s explore what can we expect from little one coming into the tenth month of life.
Continue readingHow to make Homemade Playdough and learn Science while doing it
Does your child like to play with playdough? Well, who doesn’t! In this article, we will show you how to make your own playdough and learn science while doing it
Continue readingWhat to expect from the baby in the Ninth month
And with a ninth month of baby’s life, some new, old changes are coming. We hope you didn’t get used to some regular sleeping patterns, because prepare for some changes – again. But with some bad changes, there are some good ones too. Find out what else to expect at the end of third quartile of baby’s life.
Continue reading What to expect from the baby in the Eighth month
Time really flies. The eighth month is already here. Sometimes we just need to stop and appreciate all the joys small babies bring (and forget about all the tedious stuff). Because soon, they will grow and won’t need us that much. So expect to give your eight month old babies a lot of kisses and hugs while they still love them.
What to expect from the baby in the Seventh month
Here we are, half a year is behind us. Time really flies with a little one surprising you every day with something new. And don’t think surprises stop here, in the seventh month of the baby’s life. They are just starting to get interesting.
How to make Sensory Sticks for Child Sensorimotor development
Sticks are awesome! From the usual chewing and throwing to drumming and constructing – they are one multipurpose toy. But did you know you could use them to provide an amazing sensorimotor activity for your child? Grab some sticks and let’s get creative
Learning Colors – How to teach your Child about Colors
Learn with your kids about colors in the most fun way possible, through the experiment! In the process, you will be learning colors and something extra – about chemistry in liquids
What to expect from the baby in the Sixth month
The sixth month was all about growing. Growing Hair, teeth, growing number of miles baby crawled, growing crankiness… A lot of growth in one month, but also some other interesting changes. Things are surely heating up!
What to expect from the baby in the Fifth month
Oh my God! The fifth month already here? And it feels like yesterday we came back from the hospital. That little fragile bundle that fits in your one hand… We miss those days. Well, not really but we sure miss some low-risk moments when she couldn’t move that much
Challenges of being a parent – Temper Tantrum
Have you ever seen your child in rage? Yelling, screaming and rolling on the floor? Welcome to the tantrum land!
What to expect from the baby in the Fourth month
Another month already passed? Yep, time really flies! So savor all those little things (even sleepless nights!), they won’t last forever. Your little baby is changing fast and this month is no exception – find out what can you expect in the fourth month of baby’s life
What to expect from newborn in the Third month
So the second month is behind you. Time really flies, doesn’t it? You have already developed some routine and you and your baby started to understand each other a bit better. So, will third month bring something new? Find out what changes will you face in the third month with a newborn
Your Child’s Cognitive Development
It’s Amazing To Watch Our Children Grow. One Day They Struggle With Some Concepts, But Before You Know It They Master It.
What to expect from newborn in the Second month
Woohoo! Survived the first month and everyone is alive and well. Things will surely be easier now. Umm… Will they? Let’s talk about challenges and joys that second month with a newborn child brings, and how to deal with them.
How to make Sensory Bag for Child Sensorimotor development
You probably know how Children just love to touch and squeeze everything they see. Why not fulfill that need with the Sensory Bag? With this great Do it Yourself activity, your Child will learn and enjoy a wide spectrum of sensory stimulus
Homemade Sensory Bottle for Child Sensory development
Looking for some toy that is great for emotional regulation and sensory development? Well, look no further. Find out how you can make your own Sensory Bottle and use it to a great effect
Sensorimotor activities for children
Term sensory play can seem like another fad, brought up to confuse parents and add yet another task to their already overloaded to-do list. However, it’s nothing new and revolutionary, just a name for the many activities that children are naturally engaging in – activities in which they explore the world around them using their senses.
18 signs of a gifted child
What is Intelligence?
What is intelligence actually? There are many definitions but let’s use the simple one: “Intelligence is the ability to successfully overcome new situations and challenges”.
Or my favorite, “Intelligence is the thing that intelligence tests measure”. This last definition shows that this term is still the in focus of many debates and there is no one way to define intelligence. Continue reading